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Kacy Hill signs to Beggars Music

We are thrilled to welcome Kacy Hill to the Beggars Music family ahead of the release of her fourth studio album BUG.

With three studio albums, Like A Woman, Is It Selfish If We Talk About Me Again? and Simple, Sweet, and Smiling, and high-profile collabs with artists like Travis Scott, Kid Cudi, Bon Iver and Helado Negro under her belt, the LA based singer-songwriter has  spent years flexing her musical wings in every direction.

Filled with confessional ruminations, nectarous vocals, and instrumentals wafting through desert air, BUG is a work of sterling grandeur that presents Hill weaving a tapestry of earthy folk, dream-pop, and spacious Americana — orbiting between the themes of angst and the clarity of confidence patiently waiting on the other side of it. Presenting life’s ups, downs, and in-betweens as moments of honesty trapped in sonic amber, with splendorous Americana-influenced pop moments like album singles “You Know I Love You Still,” honeyed confessions of love’s impasses on “Listen To You” and “Frog Rinse,” and sprawling moments of observation on humanity with “No One” (all co-produced by Bartees Strange), Hill dips her spoon into life’s honey jar and licks it clean. The album features additional production from Sega Bodega and Jim-E Stack, as well as features fromNourished By Time and Donna Missal.